Sunday, July 11, 2010

Alien Skin Bokeh 1.0.3

Alien Skin Bokeh 1.0.3

In photography, bokeh Japanese refers to the visually distinctive character of the out-of-focus areas of a photograph. Alien Skins Bokeh plug-in is a realistic lens simulator that allows you to alter the depth-of-field of a photograph after it has been taken. It can also be used to simulate tilt-shift and vignetting effects commonly used by photographers to draw the viewers attention to certain areas of a photograph. The following highlights the major features of Bokeh:

* Easily create tilt-shift effects e.g. Lensbaby using the built-in radial and planar region shapes.
* Simulate realistic depth-of-field effects by importing selection masks from Photoshop.
* Create distinctive bokeh highlights using different diaphragm shapes.
* Plenty of creative controls to simulate many types of bokeh from smooth creamy bokeh to fancy heart-shaped highlights.
* Use natural vignetting to simulate real lens effects e.g. Lomo or creative vignetting to focus the viewer?fs attention to any region in your photograph.
* Ability to save, recall and share your favorite Bokeh settings.

Release: Alien.Skin.Bokeh.v1.0.3.Incl.Keymaker-CORE
Size: 8 MB
NFO: Alien.Skin.Bokeh.v1.0.3.Incl.Keymaker-CORE - Wiki

Download: ط¥ط³طھط¶ظپ ظ…ظ„ظپظƒ ط¨ط¶ط؛ط·ط© ظˆط§ط*ط¯ط©: Alien_Skin_Bokeh_1.0.3.rar

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